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Our Revenue Protection Policy explains how we try to ensure that everyone pays the correct fare for their journey, and ensures that those who intentionally avoid, or attempt to avoid, paying the correct fare are dealt with appropriately. It is important to us to protect our fare paying customers. You can download our most recent Revenue Protection Policy here.
We recognise that on many occasions our customers do not intentionally avoid paying the correct fare, however it is important that all customers are treated consistently.
This policy tells you everything you need to know about how we make sure our customers pay the correct fare for their journey. It follows the National Rail Conditions of Travel ( which details tickets, their purchase and other guidelines for revenue protection across the UK rail network. It contains information about what to expect from us, your responsibilities when you travel and what could happen if you don’t travel with a valid ticket.
We have specially trained staff whose role is to reduce ticketless travel as well as investigating matters of fare evasion.
If you have been spoken to by one of our Revenue Protection team, or a Conductor, about a ticket or parking matter, then you may have been issued with a notice. What happens next, and what you need to do, will depend on the type of notice you have been issued with. Each notice carries a unique reference number. You may have been issued with one of the following:
Unpaid Fares Notice (Notice reference begins TPEUFN)
Penalty Fare Notice (Notice reference begins TPEPFN)
Travel Irregularity Report (Notice reference begins TPEMG or TPETIR)
Penalty Parking Notice (Notice reference begins TPEPPN).
You can find full details of each of these notice types, why they are issued, and the process that is followed in our Revenue Protection Policy, which is available to view above. Details of what you need to do are also printed on the notice you have been issued. You can also find out about Penalty Fares here.
You can pay any money you owe at
How to appeal, or make contact, depends on the type of notice you were issued. You can find full details on how to appeal at
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