Trains from York to Arnside

Book your train ticket from York to Arnside


Hop on a train from York to Arnside and let the adventures begin! No traffic jams, just pure relaxation as you enjoy the host of onboard facilities available to keep you comfortable on your journey. Plus, booking train tickets with TransPennine Express means snagging great-value fares without any pesky booking fees. So, grab your tickets to travel from York to Arnside by train today.

Just a heads-up: part or all of the journey from York to Arnside might be run by other providers, and you might need to switch trains along the way.

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York to Arnside train times

Check the next trains departing from to on Tuesday 11th February 2025 with our handy timetable, including platform details, route and live travel information. Click ‘Find tickets’ below to view the full day’s timetable or search trains for a different date.
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